Octavius remained silent, ignoring the first mate's threats. He didn't need to be reminded of their deal. He was holding up his end just fine, so far. He wondered if that was going to change. He couldn't say he was a fan of Ceres' sense of humour, but he had put up with worse, for less. She just liked getting to him. He knew it. That didn't make it any easier to ignore her jabs, though. Maybe she would get blown up when the [i]Powder Keg[/i] exploded. Maybe. He didn't hold out hope, though. Instead, he focused on his own goals. He was going to be the best. Ceres be damned, he was going to be the king of pirates once more, if it killed him. He knew it would eventually, but that was fine, he would go out on top. But having an idea was a far cry from actually doing something, so when someone spotted a cargo ship far closer than they should have let it get, he decided he would see what luck had to say about him today. "Turn, full speed ahead. Pull the cannons in, and prepare to ram them head-on." he said to Ceres. Feeling particularly unmerciful, the warlord was hoping the slaughter of a few innocent people would help level him out. In a worst case scenario, he supposed he wouldn't have to worry about his mental stability. "Who wants to live forever, anyway, right?" he asked the air, heading to the bow of the ship. His shotgun was loaded, and they made a perfect pair, he and his scattergat. "I'm thinking we leave one lifeboat, with one person in it. But only if they get the lifeboat out, before we back our ship out of the hole." he said casually to the nearest crewman as he approached the bow. "What do you say?" he asked with a sick grin. It would be a bit of a task, pulling their ship back out of the hole, but certainly not impossible, and not a task that should take terribly long, either, with the right motivation. He supposed it depended on how the other crew reacted...