Takeshi was pretty optimistic... Right up until T'charrl actually decided to go see the Queen first. Sure he was trying to be in good spirits about it all, but that was just to keep their friend happy. Now that they were really going to see her he could almost feel the claw slapping him in the face, or goodness knows what else the lady might use to hit him. It was always him too, never Shu and probably not Haku. "Hey, the right decision is your decision, you know? There's no right and wrong there!" Takeshi said, chuckling nervously, "We'll go drop in, say hi then go right to the doctor. I'm sure she won't mind if we do that." Heck, maybe he and Shu should go to Renthal now, just to make sure it was safe and all. Didn't want any of those old loyalists trying to get at T'charrl, no sir! It was a bit too late to even consider mentioning that however as they were now coming right up to the palace, and a few guards had taken notice of them. At first they looked to dismiss their group entirely until one caught sight of T'charrl, quickly alerting the others to the Prince's presence. Smiling sheepishly Takeshi moved a bit closer to his friend, folding his hands behind his back and glancing over. "Just saying... If you want to ask your mom not to get pissed at us, that would be completely fine by me." L'esta would much rather have preferred to avoid others if at all possible, but even the side entrances were under guard. Thankfully there were only four men on duty out here, the only downside to that fact being they were not actually under his direct command. Regardless he outranked them by quite a bit, so an order even from him should be obeyed. Stepping up ahead of the rest of the group he sobered up a bit, standing before the guards with his arms crossed sternly. "Listen up you four, I'm only going to say this once and I expect you to listen. We are on our way to see the Queen now, and after that we have other business to attend to. Under no circumstances are you to share that you've seen the Prince here, not until Her Majesty or Yusef has given the okay themselves, do I make myself clear?" You couldn't be lax with an order like this otherwise someone was bound to step out of line. Narrowing his eyes as the men exchanged glances L'esta stomped a foot on the ground, watching as all four promptly went to attention and nodded their heads. Breathing a little easier the Captain looked behind himself, smiling as he waved everyone on. "Come along then, the throne room isn't too far from here." Shame they were coming in through the side like this, there was probably a real nice courtyard in the front of the palace. Shame too they hadn't been able to go through the whole city either, Haku would have liked to see some more of it. He had no clue that these Kaesstrians lived underground like this, he'd figured the cities above ground were all there was to them. Why did they live underground when there was so much space above it? A bit odd, he'd have to remember to ask that at some point. Or maybe not, he didn't want anyone getting mad, like this Queen he kept hearing about. T'charrl and Takeshi both sounded a bit worried about her, Shu was the only one not seeming bothered by it. L'esta was a bit harder to read, at least in regards to T'charrl's mother; the way the Captain spoke to the other men and demanded they keep silent was plain as day. Watching the display a bit enviously he quickly stepped to when they were motioned inside, following everyone else. Though it was a side entrance Haku was still impressed when they passed through the doorway and found themselves in a spacious hallway, the floor of which was lined with a vibrantly colored rug and several tapestries and pictures decorated the walls. Some unusual looking lights hung from the ceiling and basked the whole hall in a warm glow, it was a pretty nice introduction to the palace. There were most certainly no shortage of suggestions, even if the majority of them were coming from Yumi. None of them sounded terrible or dangerous for Viral, but few if any sounded quite his speed. Sightseeing was never something he knew the Beastman for, nor was just going on a simple walk through the countryside. He could be wrong though, Viral might surprise him and pick something. Or he could become flustered and elect to do none of that. A bit perplexed by what was said Vegeta frowned, crossing his arms and shaking his head. "It's your decision only if you want it to be. We don't want you to feel confined, so we're giving you the freedom of picking what you do. Yumi and I are only coming along to keep you company, that's all," he explained, "And what do you mean supposed to be relaxing? I suppose before you were, yes, but not now. If you want the answer then I guess you're not supposed to be doing anything right now." That seemed obvious to Vegeta, but evidently it needed to be said. Shrugging his shoulders he looked over at Viral patiently, managing a small smile. "As I said, you decide what you wish to do. Don't let us dictate your schedule while we're here."