Had there been anything back in Undaro that had so fully enthralled Lahn to the point of pseudo-worship, by this point it would have already been replaced with the sun. There had never been anything so bright in all of Undaro, and while he found his fellow Uisilons seems to not appreciate ball of light, Lahn found himself comforted by it, even if it hurt his eyes. In fact, just the thought of the sun, a big flaming ball of gas just floating in the sky, seemed to amaze Lahn so much that he found himself waking up early specifically to see it rise, and today had been no different. Throughout the early morning he found himself drawing close to the lone window in his room constantly, eagerly waiting for the sun to make it's first appearance. However, by the time the sun had finally came up, Lahn was asleep again, having tired himself out with excitement. By the time Lahn finally woke up again, the sun had already risen and began to illuminate his poor excuse for a room. Lahn yawned and attempted to move his now aching body, there really was no time to sit around after all. They were on a [i]mission[/i], or at least that's what Ruba had said. The fate of the future generations of Uisilons rested in their hands, the fate of the [i]Mundane world[/i] would be determined by them and them alone. Lahn chucked, when he thought of it that way, it almost sounded like one of those action cartoons the Mundanes played. Indeed, within his first week on the surface he had found many of the things he did or thought paralleled the Mundanes. More often than not they were extremely over the top, and for some reason they needed help with [i]everything[/i]. Lahn had to harness his abilities to make friends, but here in the Mundane world there were magazines and books to tell you how to get friends, they even had books on "how to be yourself". It was all so odd, Lahn had been under the impression that they had only come here to get revenge on the leaders of this world, not to watch Mundanes and read their things. As confused as he was, Lahn couldn't help but admit that these magazines were entertaining, as evidenced by the ever growing pile of teen and parenthood magazines alike in the corner of his and Pons' room. "What are you doing? Why are you laughing?" As soon as Pons spoke, Lahn jumped and turned to his groggy brother. He had almost forgotten he shared a room with the grumpy brunette, which considering their small living space, seemed somewhat impossible. "Who Cares?" Lahn joked, flashing a huge smile towards Pons. No matter how big his smile got, however, Pons' sullen frown still remained. Lahn sighed, letting his smile decrease a little. "The long and short of it is, Ruba's probably gone by now, and you know she's expecting us to go explore together. Asa doesn't want us to go alone, remember?" Lahn attempted to reason with his brother, and only got a grumble in reply. The older brother rolled his eyes, fully understanding why Ruba wanted to go alone when she explored. Pons was a hard nut to crack, that much was sure. He had a clear case of [i]"angst filled teenager"[/i], so said Lahn's various copies of parenthood magazines he had "borrowed". It was hard to be close to him when he was constantly at Lahn's throat, angrily rejecting everything he said. Ruba didn't have to deal with this, then again Ruba usually didn't have to deal with insolence from anyone, let alone one of her younger brothers. Lahn gathered up his clothes for today, a rather tacky blue cherry print button up and light blue jeans, and hurriedly got dressed. There was no time to argue with his brother, the morning was the perfect time to go exploring after all. Everyone was hustling to get to their jobs or to school, the madness, the backed up traffic, it was great. "Pons, I'm going outside. I'll be waiting so get dressed quick." He exited his room, leaving his younger brother in the center of the room, clearly trying to adjust to the morning sun. Lahn looked around the almost empty apartment, he hadn't left this late yet. By now, Ruba was probably halfway around the world, there was no catching up with her today. He noted Rayn standing in the hallway and noticeably cringed. Ever since they had formed their groups, Lahn had been to afraid to approach any of the others. Back in Undaro, there were many people, many opportunities to make and break friendships. Here, he just had this group, people with strong feelings or those who were to quiet. There were too little people, if Lahn had struck out with one of them, he had struck out with all of them. There was no way Lahn would risk making a bad first impression, so he decided to make no impression at all. It hurt him not to make friends, but it would hurt him even more to get the disdain of the people he would have to live with for a while. He walked past the lavender haired girl, making sure to smile and wave [i]'don't come on too strong, but don't be too dismissive.'[/i] He repeated the phrase over and over again, until it had gotten burned into his brain. Was a wave considered to strong? Or maybe he looked to disinterested? Lahn continued criticizing himself until he reached the living room, where he noticed Holly. It was just landmines on top of landmines, and Lahn couldn't take it. He quickly walked out the door, hoping Holly didn't think of him as rude for doing this, and breathed a sigh of relief. When he really thought about it, he guessed he could understand all the Mundane articles on how to get friends, being personable was a tough map to navigate.