And suddenly, there was Daniel, at the bars of the window, looking into Yolanda's cell. He leaned against the wall, sort of looking her over as he peeked into her room. He saw that, yes, there was no difference in this room either, as it was in it's base state currently, with it's white brick walls, plain white bed, toilet, etc. "So, what did they lock you up for?" He asked, grabbing one of the bars with his hand, smiling a bit. "Obviously theres [i]something[/i] wrong with us, right? They would never--dare I say it-- imprison us [i]without knowing what they're talking about[/i] right?" he chuckled a little at his own joke, something he tended to do often. Daniel liked to joke about things like this because his humor was honestly one of the only things helping him get over the fact that he probably wasn't getting out of this place very soon, if he was getting let out at all. He rubbed at one of his eyes as he coontinued to talk. "I mean, you have first hand experience with just how [i]well[/i] these guys handle new and strange situations. Clearly the top of their class, right?