[center] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4qd7ucGRY1rs6p09o1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ralof...just Ralof. His name's pronunciation is slight weird, since it's made from an unknown, gutturual language. [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. Appears in his early 20s? [b]Brief History:[/b] It is just known that Ralof comes from a frozen-over land to the North, and that he has been hunting monsters ever since he was a five year old child. Other small details; he's 6'5, can move faster than most, due to his longer legs, and he's been known to stomp the skulls of minotaurs. His weapon is around the same height he is, so 6'5, and it's in his picture. It's forged from the bone of dragons, and is said to be burned in the boiling blood of beasts unimaginable.[/center]