I've noticed this rp's thread can get pushed back a good amount of the time to pages 2-4 lol, guess got to try to bump it or something every now and again if don't want to get forgotten, which personal I hope it doesn't probably one of my best chances to use this combo of techniques, and if it works well enough my mind may set it for one of main abilities I would give to my characters in future rps. Though I will say be glad I didn't use my main ability that I made way long ago in other rps lol, I would of turned this rp upside down, inside out, and threw it across dimensions with it. The Random Card Draw, 'Draws' a random card out of the air, that has the power to do anything that is stated on the card, which is entirely random meaning there is no telling what would happen.. this often causes intense and sometimes funny as heck chaos moments.