An ear perked up whenever a student slammed his hands onto a table, nearly shattering it. Pausing his work, Kuhaku looked up to see who it was. He struggled not to make a face when he saw it was the [i]human[/i]. [b]"I've had enough of this. Are you saying this class is for fooling around? We are to be the future Hunters and Huntresses to protect the world, and you having us doing arts and crafts?!?"[/b] [i]"Good point."[/i] He agreed in silence, nodding slightly. The [i]human[/i] then stood up and left towards the door. [b]"I'm going to do something more worthwhile with my time."[/b] Kuhaku lazily turned to see how the professor would react. The other students were contemplating the same thing, it seemed. [b]"If you agree, then you may go with him."[/b] he answered. [i]"Sweet."[/i] [b]"While its true this class doesn't teach much in the ways of combat, I feel it is still important in the lives of all to have some relief of dread from battle. This class isn't to prepare you for combat, its to relieve you of stress from combat. If you think you are better off without this, then you may follow after him."[/b] Kuhaku agreed with the professor to some extent about the necessity of decompressing after the experiencing the rigors of war, but to dedicate an entire classroom period for it? No, thanks. He could finish his weapon alterations some other time and find better use of his energy elsewhere. Gathering up his things, it didn't take him long to decide on his next course of action. Slinging his stolen bag over his shoulder, he stood and turned. Leaving without a word. He could probably use this time to go to the gym in the morning. Shower. Sleep more, Eat breakfast. Hell, anything else. If he could help it, he probably would not be attending 'Arts & Crafts' anymore unless required of him to. Opening the door to the classroom, he quietly walked out and quietly closed the door behind him. He intended on dropping off his things and changing over to go to the gym. That sounded nice.