Molly hears the blaring over the PA and immediately ceases her running, allowing the treadmill to carry her back to the ground with a solid thump as she lands. She moves over to her hammer and picks it up, towelling her face off as she does, and clasps it to her back once more. [i]'I better take a real quick shower before actually heading back to class.'[/i] And with that thought, she quickly jogs off back to her room, passing the punching bags and clicking a finger-gun at Dimitri, whom she intended to talk to a bit later. The trip to her room was short and quick, being so close to the training room. She deposited her hammer once more, placing it in the corner of the room and waving a hand to return it to anchor it to the spot, in case anyone tried to swipe it and failed like pulling the sword from the stone. She quickly slipped out of her costume, washed up and then donned a new one before rushing to her class. A true champion always has multiple costumes on hand just in case. Molly had... two. [i]'Laundry day just got moved up it seems.'[/i] She thought as she swiftly made her way to the class, passing a few of her classmates on the way.