A sharp snort burst from his nostrils, out of annoyance by her ignorance. Had this creature recited ancient mantra blindly? He was sure now that it had done so for the sake of mocking him. It began to beg and he bore his teeth to her, sheathing his claw as he informed, "You've made an offer to the devil himself... Your greatest desire for your soul. I've come to solidify this contract and collect." A gesture with his free hand to the floating parchment brought it between them. Beside the welling blood that poured from her wrist it floated. Some archaic language stated the stipulations, terms and such in black lettering. With the bloodied claw he hovered over the signature line, "State your desire and I'll sign for you. Blood seals the deal." He really hoped that this human had no further questions- to him this whole process of explaining was much too tedious and, honestly, boring. He wanted to get to the exciting part of it- physically tearing a soul from a living thing.