Here's my CS. Tell me what you think. [b]Name:[/b] Akio Oshiro [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Human or Werewolf?[/b] Werewolf [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Human form][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Werewolf form][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Akio is a stoic, very quiet and internal in his interactions with others, which, combined with the fact he rarely smiles, may make him come off as intimidating. He has a pretty awful temper too, though he's more likely to shout at you and maybe punch his fist through a wall than he is to directly attack you. He prefers to direct his anger at himself rather than others, and keeps his distance from people due to how easily he can be irritated by them. He's quite proud, though that pride has been somewhat beaten out of him during his time at Lunie Health, and has ended up becoming quite jaded and closed off from the world, viewing humans as selfish creatures and becoming closer and closer to his animal side as the months roll on. Still, Akio is, above all, a fighter and a survivor, and though his pride may be gone, his spirit isn't, and he still tries to make a break for freedom whenever he chance. Unfortunately, his recklessness, lack of strategy and his inability to bond with the other werewolves has made his past attempts fail. Still, if one manages to get past his hostile exterior, they'll find him to, while still be difficult, be fiercely loyal to his allies. If so, don't you dare try and mess with those he considers his pack, or he might at last find something to take all that built up anger on. [b]Bio/history:[/b] Akio hails from Tokyo, where he was originally a member of a gang of werewolves called the Red Moon Strikers. He especially had a close bond with Ryota, the gang's leader and self-proclaimed 'Alpha Wolf', and the two were even in a romantic relationship with one another for a short time. However, Ryota was too much a loose canon, so much so that on might label him a pyschopath as he became more and more feral as time went on. Eventually, during one night when the gang were out scaring the locals, he attacked a woman and killed her, causing the people of Tokyo to become aware to the existence of the werewolf gang. Police attempted to arrest the gang, shooting and seemingly killing Ryota in the process, capturing some gangs members while others, Akio included, fled. Akio and the remaining gang members then tried to discuss whether they should go back and try to rescue the others. Since they didn't know whether Ryota was truly dead or not, Akio wanted to return to try and save his mate, but the others refused. Akio tried to go back on his own, but the others wouldn't allow him, knocking him out and taking him with them to the US, where they fled to as they realised that it may be no longer safe to remain Japan. During the plane ride over to the US, Akio regained consciousness and tried to attack one of his gang members, the new leader of the group, Keiichi. Keiichi and the others managed to restrain Akio and stop before he tried to transform, but he was arrested upon reaching the US for his violent episode, and the police even suggested sending him back to Japan. With the help of Keiichi and several other members of the Red Moon Strikes, Akio managed to escape the police, but broke up ties with the gang, saying that he disgusted with them for their cowardice. Keiichi let him go, but told that if he even tried to go back to Japan, he would track him down and kill him, as they couldn't risk another of their group getting caught and revealing the location of the rest. Akio reluctantly agreed, and spent the rest of his time in the US living as a normal wolf, as he was wanted by the police and would be recognised in human form. This worked out reasonably until he reached the age of 25, where he was caught and taken in by Lunie Health. He has been there for three years now, trying to escape but always unfortunately failing. [b]Other:[/b] Akio is gay, though as he has never entirely recovered from Ryota, he might be somewhat hesitant to begin a new relationship.