Daniel's usual tired looking eyes went a bit wide, the smile latching onto his face once again. That was definitely an interesting problem to have. Though, he didn't really think it warranted being thrown into an asylum, that's for sure. He was enjoying being able to actually have a conversation with someone who could hold one. The other patients could talk to him, but they were all...broken. By the asylum. They were too scared to talk. And the orderlies? Well, the term "brick wall" came to mind. "Well, apparently they have me pinned down for schizophrenia, but I don't buy it. The voices in my head don't either." Daniel tapped his head at the mention of the nonexistent voices, smiling a bit more. The girl chuckled a little, and Daniel instantly knew that she clearly knew what good comedy was "And the insomnia on top of that? Well, I look like a mess, and I sound like a mess, so I am a mess, apparently. I dont think I've actually had a full nights sleep in... like, three months. It's pretty annoying."