Alfonzo listened to Darkhunter on what he had to say, explaining that he doesn’t seem real to him either, but still neglects that all of what is happening isn’t fictional, and that this is very real to him. At this point, he didn’t want to argue or debate with the creature, although Al still felt that he was right. Because of the logical statement he made, the only thing Al could do was come to his understanding and conclude on what to do. He scratched the back of his head, and began to speak on his behalf. [i]“Well then……..all we can do is wait and see what’ll happen, right?”[/i] Just after, Al and the others had witnessed something even more interesting. [u][b]“Oh, my, oh, my. What a great fuss. It seems as though I've made a mistake--and I'm terribly sorry, my good guests."[/b][/u] All of a sudden, a bright light filled the spot where Ghazghkull was standing, only to make a disappearance in the blindness of light, and an introduction of new arrivals to occur in the predicament. At first, it was very shocking and unexpected to Alfonzo, but seeing that he has never came to watch something like that happen, and deluding himself still that it was not of reality, he found it to be amusing. The voice though had Al puzzled as to who it was, or where it came from, and what his purpose was to all of this. He looked back to his side, viewing of how Darkhunter and the others with were reacting to this surprise occurrence. A smirk arose to Al’s face and spoke back to the jaguar once more. [i][i]“And look........something happened.”[/i][/i]