Dimitri winced a bit and ceased his workout as the announcement of the headmaster rang in over the PA system. So entranced had he been in his work out, that he'd failed to realize how quickly he'd burned through the time he could've used for socialization. Still, it appeared as if his efforts weren't in total vain, as the young woman he'd intended to speak to earlier quickly acknowledged him as she made her leave. Dimitri turned to leave, then stopped halfway through, "[b]One for the road.[/b]". Dimitri turned on his heel and struck the punching bag with an open palm, blasting it with a strong burst of sound upon impact. The bag jolted back, it's sandy contents muffled most of the sound, however the chain that it hung from vibrated and produced a low hum as the bag swung about. With that out of the way, Dimitri took his leave, jogging to his next class in an effort to arrive on time. The last thing he felt like doing now was finding out what would happen if he was late.