[quote=SallyJohnson02] [quote=floodtalon] "Good. If you did bite, I would've removed all of your teeth." Ryan responded. He sat down and looked at the wall she was looking at. " How interesting." He remarked sarcastically. [/quote] Mira covered her ears as she heard the announcement buzz through the halls. "Ryan. We should get going. Miss Jinx will get us in huge trouble if we don't hurry. She picked up all the loose seeds on the floor and stood, then she pulled Ryan off the floor by his arm. She stared at him for a moment to long before letting go and hurrying down the hall, running to get to the classroom. When she got to the class she put some of her favorite plant seeds in her pocket, took a seat in the back row, and started to think about her brief meeting with Ryan. That boy was interesting, to say the least. She studied the rest of the class and shrugged, resting her head against the desk. [/quote] Ryan shrugged and headed over to Jinx's class. "Well then, let's get started." He sat down near the back of the classroom and waited.