As it sorted through the wreckage from its impact, the P.E.K.K.A. grew increasingly distraught as it could not find the butterfly. "Butterfly?" The large metal warrior started lifting up chunks of the wall that had been distributed around it after it slammed into the wall. A few moments of searching revealed no blue insect. "Butterfly." The large warrior began walking towards the others, sporting what appeared to be a scowl (judging from the eyes only, as it didn't have a visible mouth). Before any could react, it's large hand shot out and grabbed one of them ((Gorrendil)) by the shoulder. Lifting the creature up, the large metal warrior looked underneath the person it was lifting. It's grip on the smaller person was firm but gentle, clearly there was no intent to harm. "No more butterfly" P.E.K.K.A. said with a sigh. It then peacefully set the one it had lifted back on the ground. It's previous scowl had been replaced with a rather sad look. It was clearly disappointed it couldn't find the butterfly.