[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/a3/28/baa3288885baa0f9a06b257bf96bcc49.jpg[/img] Name: Veronica Lisa Chambers, Vee to her friends Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Veronica is generous and kind, almost to a fault. She tends to want to give people what they need and ask nothing in return, which often leaves her broke, and then winds up needing money bad, but somehow it always works out for her. Background: Veronica is majoring in Business, and actually owns her own store, a small cafe called "The Fresh Pot". The cafe is relatively successful, but Veronica usually winds up giving most of her profits to charity. On the most recent occasion, she didn't leave herself enough money to pay her rent, which is why she took the professor's offer. Chosen Pill Color: White Likes: Coffee, Making People Smile, Cooking, Snow Dislikes: Jerks, Hot Weather, Tragedy