[b]Hey there! I'm Andie and I'm looking for one or two people to do either a Harry Potter or some sort of fantasy and/or supernatural kind of RP.[/b] Now, I don't have a specific idea or plot. I would like to follow some sort of plot so I'm open for suggestions and what not. We can totally bond and figure it out together, like partners [b]<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333[/b] When it comes to Harry Potter, I would love to do anything from Marauders era, Next Generation or, ya know, regular ol' Hogwarts when our Chosen boy Harry was still dickin' around. Not really up to do canon characters, I'm leaning more toward some OCs. I'm not totally against having actual characters in the RP but I myself would prefer to write for an OC. I just find it hard to think of what characters in the story would say or do, and depending on the plot it just makes it that much more frustrating, ya feel? As for fantasy and supernatural type RP's, I'm not much of a gamer...so I couldn't really do any kind of battle or strategy RP. I like playing characters that might have some sort of power or ability (for example, I've just recently been in an RP where one of my characters is a necromancer. That kind of stuff.) I'm more of a modern fantasy kind of girl. Not really historical stuff. I'm totally up for some kind post-apocalyptic or dystopian future kind of stuff too! I should say that I'm [b]NOT[/b] up for any sexy-times or smutty stuff. I mean, I'm so down for some romance but we should try to keep it PG, folks. I also feel like romance should not be the main focus. I like playing female characters, but I was thinking that we could have two, maybe three characters we're each playing to try to make things fun, huh? If anyone is interested, PM me and we can talk about it more!