[indent][indent]Jessilyn was a taken back by the statement that he would be staying for a little while. She just couldn't face her parents with a demon looming around her, or go out in public with him hanging around her. At that moment, when he started pecking on the glass, she could see the flames in the mirror. It gave her inspiration at that moment. She ran out of the room and to her supply closet in the master bedroom. She grabbed a box that contained her acrylics, oils, and pastels and grabbed a cotton canvas and her easel. She dragged her supplies into the living room and set up her work station, grabbing her palette and acrylic oils out of her wooden box and began setting up the blues, whites, reds, yellows, blacks, browns, and whites. She could see painting a demon who was intrigued by mirrors, but it was even better to paint a demon using a mirror to contact the devil himself. She began painting the outlines, hoping he would not mind that he was her subject matter in the painting. [/indent][/indent]