Autumn looked up and after shaking her head at David's question, smiled at the girl who claimed her picture was nice. She lifted her hands to sign a 'thank you' but then caught herself and began reaching for the notebook she always kept around her. Before she was able to scrawl a reply the bus came to a halt. Autumn blinked before she slowly began packing away her things. She stood up and filed off the bus along it her twin. She caught sight of the counselors when she was on the bottom step and almost stumbled in surprise. She had never seen anything like them before and her hand itched to draw them. Alison had never seen anything like them and she couldn't help but stare. Finally, after an elbow to the ribs courtesy of her twin, she stopped and paid attention to what they were saying. At the instructions the twins headed off to their cabin. Alison walked Autumn to her cabin first, made sure she was getting settled before heading off to her own. After everything was set on their chosen bed, the two meet up and headed off to the fire pit. They sat down next to it, Autumn having brought her notebook with her so she could communicate.