The two ate their food--which was really quite good-- in a nice, normal silence. The food was delicious, and Tim made sure to tell Sophia such, which he did with enthusiasm. She, of course, graciously accepted the compliment. It felt, for a moment, like the two of them were getting back on the same level they were on before the early morning tunnel. But as they ate, Tim was struck by... well, feelings, he guessed. He liked Sophia a lot, he had decided. Hiding a huge moment in his past wasn't going to help them become better friends. Keeping her in the dark like this would only make her wonder more. It would make her feel like he was shutting her out, he thought. He did not want to shut out Sophia. She was his first real friend, probably ever. He decided to tell her something very important. Something he had never told anyone before. His face dropped, and, between a bite of hash brown, he spoke. His voice was not as quiet anymore, his tone was a little stronger than before. However, he was really nervous to say what he was saying. The words came out in a sentence he had never formed to anyone in his life before: "I tried to kill myself five years ago."