Since my character was a bit... not well written, here is a re-write: [hider=Aono Kyra] Name: Aono Kyra Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance:[img][/img] Like this without the weapons Personality: Aono is quite the strange guy. He is laid back most of the time, and he doesn't really care about everything. This changes when he enters a duel. He becomes quite cocky, but not in a really bad way. More in a I will beat you, just watch kind of style. His ego is in perhaps his biggest ego. He isn't the nicest guy though. Smoking, drinking lots of beer, messing around with every girl he meets.. Its his way of life. Those who knew Aono before he started playing Yu-Gi-Oh claim that the first card he ever got, Void Ogre Dragon, changed Aono as a person, and that he might even be possessed by it in some odd way. Biography: Before starting to play Yu-Gi-Oh, Aono was known to be one of the nicest guys around. This all changed when he picked up his first Yu-Gi-Oh card, Void Ogre Dragon. Aono began to become quite cocky, he started to pick up bad habits and he even dropped out of school, and he got in constant fights with his parents. He did however become a top tier duelist, being famous for his famous handless combo summoning his key card Void Ogre Dragon, making him win a lot of duels. Aono wagered a lot of money in underground dueling tournaments, winning most of them. 4 years ago, Aono's parents disappeared, nobody really knows what happened besides Aono himself. Most people think it was Aono himself who got rid of them after them harassing him for every mistake he made. Deck: [hider=Infernity] Monsters: 1x Infernity Archfiend 3x Infernity Necromancer 1x Infernity Avenger 1x Infernity Mirage 2x Summoner Monk 1x Armageddon Knight 2x Dark Grepher 2x Stygian Street Patrol Spells: 1x Infernity Launcher 1x Soul Charge 1x Foolish Burial 1x One for One 1x Raigeki 1x Snatch Steal 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Reinforcements of the Army 2x Instant Fusion 2x Wonder Balloon 3x Upstart Goblin Traps: 1x Infernity Barrier 2x Infernity Break 2x Mirror Force 2x Dimensional Prison 1x Compulsory Evacuation Device 1x Bottomless Trap Hole 1x Torrential Tribute 1x Solemn Warning Extra: 1x Charubin the Fire Knight 1x Darkfire Dragon 1x Armory Arm 1x Herald of Rainbow Light 1x Armades, Keeper of Illusions 1x Stygian Sergeants 2x Hundred-Eyes Dragon 2x Void Ogre Dragon 1x Beelze, King of Dark Dragons 1x Infernity Doom Dragon 1x Leviair the Sea Dragon 1x Winged Skyblaster Castel 1x Lavalval Chain [/hider] Favourite Card: Void Ogre Dragon [/hider] Hope this is a bit better? :P Will probably write a second character soon© Second character: [hider=Emily Bloodriver] Name: Emily Bloodriver Gender: Female Age: Nobody knows for sure, but the rumors says she is around 17 years old Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Emily looks around the age of 17, but nobody knows her true age, since she acts mature for her age. Outside of duels, Emily is quite calm, and acts smart most of the time. Most of the time, Emily is considered quite mature, but she tends to be really bitchy towards other girls when alone with them, and with boys its quite the opposite, she acts more like a charmer/succubus. Especially in duels, both sides of her are enhanced. She really drags herself into duels at times, almost acting like those duels are reality. Biography: Legends say she is a vampire, as she has a really pale skin. Combined with the weird way she acts, the story of her being a vampire seems really legitimate. Nobody really knows where Emily came from, or where she lives. Most of the times she appears at duels, fights, beats the opponent, and leaves before anyone can even blink his eyes. Those who dueled Emily changed a lot, its almost like the duels are real to them. A few of the people who dueled Emily event went so far as being traumatized by the duels. Some duelists claim that they met Emily a few times after they lost their duel, and that they were forced to Duel her again and again until they finally won, after which Emily left them alone. Those duelists claim that they have gotten a special card, which they didn't dare to touch as those cards had a mystic aura, except for one duelist. Emily teached herself how to duel, as she was lonely during her entire childhood. She had no parents, family or friends to be together with. Somehow she is one of the best duelists around, making the story of her being a vampire even more realistic. Signature feature: When she defeats somebody in a duel, she says that she will visit you again, and that she demands you to train. She will keep visiting you until you improve, after which she rewards you with a random card, which appear to be some kind of possessed with a mythical power. Deck: [hider=Vampire] Monsters: 1x Vampire Vamp 3x Vampire Lord 3x Vampire Lady 3x Vampire Sorcerer 3x Vampire Shadow 2x Plaguespreader Zombie 2x Zombie Master 3x Spirit Reaper 3x Pyramid Turtle 3x Mezuki Spells: 3x Vampire Empire 3x Gravekeeper's Servant 3x Upstart Goblin 1x One Day of Peace Traps: 3x Vampire Takeover Extra: 3x Crimson Knight Vampire Bram 2x Iron Chain Dragon 2x Goyo Guardian 2x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon 1x Dark-Line Warrior Caingorgorm 1x Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight 1x Noblswarm Belzebuth 1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn 1x Shark Fortress 1x Lavalval Chain [/hider] Favourite Card: Vampire Vamp Other: She was the one to drop the Void Ogre Dragon on the ground for Aono to find, the reason why she did this is unknown. [/hider]