[quote=Firecracker_] What kinda weapons we looking at here? Futuristic, ruined modern, makeshift, what? [/quote] Ruined Modern (relics) , Dirty Modern (poorly manufactured); Modern in this dynamic would mean mostly ballistics, with plasma/beam/laser/particle: etc, weapons being much, much rarer. Even rarer is to find one that works more often than not. Listed by rarity:: Plasma = Projectiles/streams of acidic goo. Beam = wider version of laser, less concentrated, more like a lethal sunburn than an disintegrating laser, like if you could turn a microwave into a gun. Lasers= Well, fucking lasers pew pew! Particle Beam weapons destroy at the atomic level. The rarer the weapon, the less ammo you can have for it. I apologize for not putting that last bit into the CS. [quote=c3p-0h] Are the different factions at war or is it more like dividing up states? [/quote] I haven't decided yet. [quote=Prophecy] So, assuming I'm ok to have water, where exactly would you consider a water environment. Is the sea out of bounds/uninhabitable? I can't see any lakes or rivers, but maybe they aren't marked? [/quote] It's a desert wasteland. There only water is what flows through the pipes, should you be able to find them. Perhaps if the battle is next to a water faucet you could build up a substantial amount of power. Probably rupturing the pipe, letting the entire settlement die of dehydration, but hell, whatever. Basically, it's off limits, I apologize for not putting that in the CS.