[img]http://www.tonycliffordfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/castles-of-westeros.jpg[/img] Westeros. A land where sometimes spies are more useful than a sword. A land where honor may just get you killed. A world where lords and ladies battle to see their house atop the Iron Throne, ruling over all. And now, this land has been thrown into war. Lord Eddard Stark has recently been beheaded by the new king, Joffrey Baratheon, a supposed bastard, born of incest. The former King Robert's brothers have taken up arms, each leading their own army to take the Iron Throne for themselves. Lord Eddard's eldest son leads a campaign for independence for the North, claiming the title, The King in The North. And in the Iron Islands, Balon Greyjoy has seized his chance to declare the Iron Islands it's own kingdom as well. And yet even more trouble brews in the East, where Daenerys Targaryen seeks to take back the Iron Throne, with the help of her dragons. So, where do you fit into the Game of Thrones. Are you merely a pawn? Or are you a player, hellbent on winning? Decide quickly. Because, when you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. The Character Builder Name - House - Age - Appearance - Family - Bio- Personality - Trivia - Role(In Westoros, etc.)