[b][i][h2]Plot[/h2][/i][/b] [i]Oh, you're going to Mitakihara. It's not that known of a town, but the people who reside there live peaceful.[/i] That is what you hear, but the truth is different than what it seems to be. In this town, creatures live in the shadows, eating the souls of humans who fall into utter sadness. Those creatures are the Witches, born out from despair. However, there are people to combat them. These people are called Magical Girls. They use their power for defeating those Witches and save the humanity from these evil creature. But the truth still lies hidden somewhere, yet to be discovered. [b][i][h2]System and Rules[/h2][/i][/b] The RP will be centered around the pre-Rebellion/Anime storyline. Since there will be time loops, we'll divide them into Arcs. Magical Girls who transform into witches or die in one Arc will be resurrected into another Arc. I don't have an order planned or some kind of special Arc, centered around a certain Magical Girl or something, but you can comment and give ideas on how the story will eventually progress. Since it can happen, I will permit duels between Magical Girls, but it needs to have a sense for it to happen. By sense, I mean something like Sayaka VS Kyouko, as an example. They had a story in their duels, it wasn't something that was put there out of nowhere. I won't tolerate random duels or else it'll become a Magical Girl War, which is something I don't wish. Also, for not confunding the story, late entries in an Arc will have a limit of two days (following the RP story.). If it didn't enter in this limit, it will have to wait another Arc to begin. Please, no overpowering or godmodding. I won't tolerate that as well. [hider=Character Sheet Skeleton] Normal Appearance: (Image or description.) Name: (The name of your character.) Age: (13-18) Gender: (If Female, can be a Magical Girl. If Male, then it will be present on the story, but the CS. will stop at Bio.) Personality: (Describe your character.) Bio: (It doesn't need to be extensive.) Main Theme: (Optional, but fun to have.) Magical Appearance: (Only for Female that wishes to be Magical Girls.) Wish: (What did she wish when meeting the Incubator.) Soul Gem: (Since there aren't many colors of Soul Gems, you can pick a jewel to represent it.) Weapon: (Choose the weapon for your Magical Girl.) Powers: (Does your Magical Girl have any powers other than her weapon. Comment here.) Witch Name: (The name of the Witch.) Witch Appearance: (It doesn't need to be necessarily monstrous...) Witch's Personality: (How do you describe your witch.) Familiars: (Does she have familiars or is she a solo witch?) [/hider] [hider=PMMM Characters] Madoka Kaname: Sayaka Miki: Mami Tomoe: Kyouko Sakura: Homura Akemi: Kyuubey: [/hider]