Mia blinked. Not only had her prey simply ignored her broken arm, but some random fellow had shown up out of nowhere. Now, it was not the fact that he had teleported that surprised her, but the fact that someone had willingly entered armsreach to talk to her. She was pretty sure that she'd discouraged anyone from doing that with the whole arm-breaking thing. Did he think she wouldn't break his arm? That she wasn't dangerous enough? There wasn't even a hint of fear! Shaking with anger, Mia balled her fists. This wasn't fun at all. What was the point if nobody was going to be scared of her? With a blur she was next to the mysterious man, her fingernails thrust forward through his skull, deep into his brain. Wait.... that had been surprisingly little resistance. Wide-eyed, Mia moved her hand around, as it moved through the strange figure as if he wasn't there at all. 'What the Hell?'