As Zeetah stretched out his hand to give the generous Reptil a handshake, the sight of an imposing, heavily-armored man with dark skin stomped down the street, each step booming with impressive power, causing him to flinch and stare as he walked past. Shortly thereafter, he heard fierce shouting over the noisy din of the brothel, and after nearly no time at all, the same giant stomped heavily back out and left. Zeetah did not move the whole time. A few minutes passed in silence until suddenly "DRAGON!! A DRAGON HAS ATTACKED MY VILLAGE!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!! PLEASE HELP!!" A filthy, singed farm boy with thin streams of smoke rising from his hair and clothing came running through the slums, screaming at the top of his lungs, apparently not knowing where else in the city to look for help at this hour of the night. As if replying to his call, a formidable woman with long, white hair burst out of the brothel, fully clad in heavy armor, swaying slightly. She was carrying a massive sword, and Zeetah did not want to be anywhere near a drunk warrior with a weapon that big. "Oh boy. We'd better go, fellows. I do [i]not[/i] want to get mixed up in this." Zeetah backed up and started heading toward the street to leave. "Come on! Let's get out of here!"