Diego walked onto the deck of the ship, having gotten his bags. He walked over to the railing, Eevee and Lombre on his heels. Sure enough Sharpedo and Skrelp had made it just fine. They looked up at him expectantly out of the water, Sharpedo impatiently swimming around in circles. With a laugh, Diego recalled the two to their Pokeballs. Lombre tugged at the leg of his shorts, gesturing to its stomach. Diego's own stomach growled, reminding him how hungry he was. He nodded and recalled Eevee and Lombre in a flash of red light. As he made his way off the boat, a breeze blew making him feel the cold on his bare arms. He certainly wasn't in Hoenn anymore. He pulled out a bright green hoodie and put it on over his black tank not bothering to zip it up as it wasn't THAT chilly. He went into Sandgem Town making a mental note of the location of the Pokemon center for later. He then wandered over to a produce market. Releasing Eevee and Lombre once more he asked, "All right, so what sounds good?" With a loud "Veeeee!" Eevee bounded over to one particular stand of berries. Diego looked down at Lombre who merely shrugged. "I guess Eevee decided for us then, huh?" he said with a laugh. The two followed Eevee and bought an assortment of berries and continued on to search for a stand for more food to last them until the next town. Diego wasn't quite sure where they were going but he figured they'd get some idea before the next morning. "Get out of here! Go on! These aren't for you!" They turned to see a Pidgeotto being chased away from a stand. Eevee grabbed a berry out of the handful that Lombred had been carrying and ran over to the bird Pokemon offering it the berry. "Eeveer come back!" Diego called, "You don't even know if that Pidgeotto is friendly!" Luckily it was friendly enough and the Eevee has soon set the berry down before it. "Where'd you come from? Wild Pokemon don't usually act like this. Where's you trainer?"