[b]Thomas Law - [color=lightblue]THE BLUE STAR[/color][/b] The asteroid had exploded before he reached it, debris flew out all around him, large chunks and small chunks alike repelling off his shield as he guarded Brave Passion. The Unicorn remained still and Thomas looked out for enemies' build, a second afterward he noticed the Golden Mecha coming from behind. He jutted to the left with a short burst dodging the attack, twisted in a quick motion, and brought his beamsaber diagonal of his adversary's ranged weapon. If he had hit right, it was bound to explode in a few short moments. He thrust back out of the blast radius, throwing it in Space would do little good, it'll only float a few feet away. [i]I wonder if he'll find a way out of that one. Its been awhile since I thought on my feet like that.[/i] "Not bad, but the The Blue Star won't be winked out so easily. I'm quick and powerful, remember that!" His eyes remained focus on the screen, despite his playful tone. [b]Diane Law - [color=red]RED HOT[/color][/b] After listening to the boy's explanation, she had to admit that she felt a little foolish. Although she usually came off a bit headstrong and airy, it wasn't good to display it at Thomas' school. [i]I miles well be Luke,[/i] she scorned herself lightly. Grabbing the magazine and the piece of her cosplay that fell from her purse, Diane stuffed them back in with pink on her cheeks. She looked over the boy and stopped on his hands, they displayed familiar features of her own and Thomas', they were oddly sturdy looking, designed for control and precision. With a friendly smile she replied. "I'm Diane Law, nice to meet you. Are you by any chance a Gunpla Battler?" she asked, slowly putting the pieces together. "Or perhaps a Gunpla Builder?"