Sophia paused the game, set her controller down, and turned to look at Tim. There was a slight look of annoyance on her face. Why was he so dense and determined to suffer alone? He had her now and she wanted him to confide in her more, to share both the good and bad things. It's what friends did. Even if Tim might not know it, Sophia knew it wasn't good for him to keep everything all pent up. Keeping in your emotions only made things worse. She put out one finger and poked him in the forehead, pushing Tim back a bit. "Don't be an idiot," Sophia remarked firmly. "You're my [i]friend[/i], Tim. I'm going to worry about you one way or the other, no matter what it is, whether you like it or not. Got that?" She wasn't asking for his approval. She was telling him what was going to happen. "I swear to God if on Thanksgiving Day you're not here in my apartment having dinner with me," Sophia went on, "I'm going to break down your front door, tie you up, and [i]drag[/i] you here. Understand? Now I don't want to hear any more 'don't worry, I'll be fine on my own' nonsense for the rest of the day, or else I'm going to make you eat soap." To show that it was only a friendly threat Sophia pulled her finger away from Tim's forehead and grinned.