Belle chuckled at Amaya's comment. "Don't worry I'll do the talking. Just nod or shake your head when you get nervous or something." Joshua asked her to keep Amaya safe. "I will try my best." she chuckled again. "No, I'll keep her safe, don't worry." after Joshua had disappeared in the Corridor of Darkness that would lead to wherever he wanted to go, Belle motioned Amaya to follow her. Thomas had already saw another way to sneak in, so she assumed he, Reno and Jake were going to take that road. Belle and Amaya were standing in front of the giant door of the bathhouse which opened before them. Belle opened the unlocked door and the two headed inside. "Hope we don't get cau-" Belle was interrupted mid-sentence by a tall woman wearing a pink uniform. And here she was thinking that they just would get the uniforms and blend in with the others. "I already thought I smelled human, and it wasn't her." she came close to Amaya and sniffed. "Hmmm... somehow you smell different, less stinky than the blue haired one." the woman said. Belle immediately gave her a nasty look. It seemed like they were never going to be able to blend in if they could smell human... although that made her wonder what the woman was. She looked humanoid, what was she? "So what do you humans want?" she asked. Belle had to act quickly, but the only idea that popped up in her mind was that they were looking for a job in the bathhouse. Apparently there already was another human, so it shouldn't be a problem. "We came here to apply for a job." Belle quickly said. "More humans!? Isn't one enough?" the woman touched her forehead and a smile appeared on her face. "Well, I can't help it. If you want a job you have to talk to Yubaba. She's on the top floor. I am Lin by the way." she looked at Amaya again. "And I think you should speak some more, you ain't gonna get a job if you don't say anything." she said.