"Uh well Diane I'm no Meijin, but I consider myself a pretty competent gunpla builder." Gary commented as he reached into his back pack and reached for his black case. He had no other reason to grab it otherwise so he figured now was as good a time as ever to show it off to this chick. He showed her the case it was bulky. "This is my latest model. It's nothing special I'd say but it's alright." Gary commented to Diane as he opened the double sided case to reveal a big dark green version of The O. It was straight built but it was sturdy and the color was well painted. The suit had a small H painted on the side in orange however. "That mark on the side of this is a personal symbol of mine. Like a signature. Does this suit your fancy? I mean it's no pretty Bear Guy like I'm sure you like but it's still pretty strong." === [url]http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/PMX-003_The_O[/url]