[b]Name: [/b] Peter Parker [b]Alias:[/b] The Amazing Spiderman...The Spectacular Spiderman....The Incredible Spiderman...Aka Spiderman [b]Age: [/b]37 [b]Earth #[/b]531740 [b] Powers [/b]: [i]Spider Sense/ Precognition:[/i] Unlike Peter 616 Peter 531740 was trained as part of an experimental S.H.I.E.L.D program his parents ended up running. He can turn his spider sense out to a broader web (events he has experienced or events connected to people he knows) or tune it in to very specific events (if a thug is going to punch him in the face). The later Precognition he can do as an involuntary mental action and often does in fights. The former Category will usually require preparation and focus. In the middle range of the power is the Standard Danger Sense which is a fundemental tool in his Arsenal [i]Enhanced Senses :[/i] His senses are 400% more acute then human norms to both the low and high extremes of the sensory range. His senses are also durable enough to take the higher sensory stress necessary to do so. His S.H.I.E.L.D training also focused extensively on how to maximize his sensory advantages [i]Enhanced Physiology:[/i] While Peter 616 was strong enough to lift (press) 10 tons Peter 531740 had a life of training and was born with the alternate physiology from birth. As such he has Physical Strength on levels comparable to Thor 616 or Iron man 616 (when in Armor). The enhanced Physiology also allows for reactions as quick as his enhanced senses and precognitive abilities would require from his brain. He also has agility comparable to his enhanced muscular and enhanced Neuroprocessing speed. His body can also heal at superhuman capacity due to the necessity to keep a body functioning at the extremes he puts it under. [i]Enhanced Athletics:[/i] Due to his enhanced Physiology he has a knowledge of his own biomechanics and can do feats that are impossible for the human body to do even in lethal circumstances [i]Wall Crawling:[/i] based on a Principle of [i]BIO MAGNETISM [/i] Spider-Man is able to climb up any surface. Unless he chooses to do so he cannot be removed from the surface (the surface is more likely to break). He can also use Bio-Magnetic fields to repel himself from surfaces. He can also use the Bio-Magnetic field to stick people for short periods of time to surfaces of buildings [i]Web Shooters[/i]: He has standard web shooters similar to Peter 616 that also have the ability to shoot Gas and Poison Gas if needed [i]Military and Intelligence Training:[/i]While not a power he has been trained by Shield and is their top agent and is familiar with both tradecraft and a range of martial skills [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [i]The Flu [/i]:Infection by the Flu Virus causes his enhanced abilities to not work properly. This is believed to be because the retrovirus used in the lab where his mother worked was based on the Flue Virus. Also when infected by the Flu symptoms of the flu tend to be the most extreme possible. [i]Chloroethane[/i]: While his body is able to metabolize and resist most toxins Chloroethane is hyper toxic to him and without treatment can be lethal in prolonged enough dosages [b]Personality and Background [/b]: The first of (many) differences on Earth 531740 is that Peter's Parents were not killed by Red Skull (2) and in fact arrested him. This brought them to that Attention of Nick Fury then organizing Shield where they were put in charge of Project Myrmidon. Project Myrmidon was an attempt to recreate Captain America. in a Laboratory Accident Richard and Mary were infected with one of the Retroviruses which other then giving them an extreme flu their son Peter began to immediately display signs of power. Project Myrmidon was designed to train and prepare him to be the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Around the time he was 17 he began to utilize his powers in New York City where he was heralded by News Papers as the top celebrity of the super hero set. He (as peter) dated a select cadre of upper crust women eventually falling in love with Mary Jane Watson, a professional model and actress. She was rising in her career as he was becoming one of the most popular leading ladies on Broadway and in Television. After her first major movie and her Pregnancy Peter revealed a (redacted) story on his secret Identity as Spider-Man. Peter moved to head a team of Super-Humans developed by Project Myrmidon and works part time as a trainer of super-humans for shield. Peter is an idealistic Patriot. As with Peter 616 he believes with "Great Power comes Great Responsibility" but in Earth 531740 he has filled a larger roll then Captain America as the dominant superhuman. He still wisecracks like Peter 616 but his personality is much quieter and more confident. This goes with his military up bringing. This also has to do with the fact unlike Peter 616 he is a man of only average intelligence because his mind was focused on the task of being the Premiere Super Soldier. [b] Appearance[/b] Peter is 6'11" and his musculature looks to be the height of human perfection [b] Notes - Response to Spider Fist: [/b]- "Really, this Multi-Spiderman thing is going to be a thing." Peter turns to Mary Jane. "MJ Honey I am going to have to go to another dimension again." Peter sends the transmission back to "Spider-FIST" "This is Peter Parker, Spider-Man of Earth 531740. Message received, the Cavalry is on its way."