[quote=TheHangedMan] David inspected his things. Satisfied, he arranged his stuff in a (sorta) orderly manner and He changed out of his jacket and into a sleeveless jersey. He usually wore those jackets because people got uncomfortable when they saw his body - it was a [i]just bit[/i] more muscular than normal. And by just a bit, we mean [i]a lot[/i] - but this was a summer camp. Eventually he would have to stop wearing his jacket, so he decided it would be now rather than later. Besides, fire pit usually meant fire, and that meant sweating. He'd rather have less clothes on if that were the case. The tall boy stepped out of his cabin and walked towards the fire pit. He grinned as he spotted Alison and Autumn. "Aaand I'm back~. So how are your cabins? Do you have any roomates yet?" he asked, casually sitting next to Autumn. [/quote] Autumn had been ignoring Alison's teasing jabs. Upon hearing David's voice Autumn looked up at him and smiled, ignoring her sisters snickering. She blinked, seeing him without his jacket. She hadn't expected him to be so buff but she shrugged it off. [color=gold][i]My cabin is fine and I don't know if I have a roommate, I didn't see anyone in the cabin when I got here.[/i][/color] She wrote in the notebook. Alison leaned over, flinging an arm around her twin's shoulders as she smirked at David. [color=red]"So, what's you're power?"[/color] Autumn frowned and turned to her sister. [color=gold][b]You can't just ask him that! If he wanted you to know he would have told you.[/b][/color] Autumn signed. Alison raised an eyebrow. [color=red][b]What? It was an honest question.[/b][/color] Alison signed back. Autumn just shook her head before she turned back to David. [color=gold][i]Sorry about that. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.[/i][/color]