[b]THE WORLD[/b] The world will be medieval with some fantasy aspects. Magic can be used, but it is myth to most people. But common within their own niches. People claim there are gods, but few, if any live to see them. Occassionally there are monsters, in which heroes or warriors are hired to kill them. But there aren't much monsters, thus there aren't much heroes. There might be a reigon with a dragon, or a single unicorn left. But ultimately most people go about their dreary normal way. A lot can be made up by players but if it doesn't fit the world it can be retracted by the GM (Fleeter). [b]EXTRA INFORMATION[/b] N/A [b]RULES[/b] Fleeter is GM No one-Liners No images in IC Absolutely no OOC in IC Post all OOC chats in OOC