Will try to hav [quote=Dedonus] [quote=Whiskey Business] Though I don't think they've been established in the comics, the [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/Diwatas]Diwatas[/url] are recognized as lore according to Marvel's handbook on Mythology in the Marvel Universe. I'd like to play as one of those characters if that's okay. The character I'll pick will most likely be part of the [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/Triumph_Division_(Earth-616)]Triumph Division[/url]. Information on both of these groups in the 616 is pretty limited, but I'm sure I can come up with something awesome - if you'll let me of course. [/quote] I don't see anything wrong with that right now. Of course I would have to see a final character sheet, but that would be fine. Also, I have a question for everyone. Would everyone prefer to start with a fresh RP thread or would you all not mind using the previous one that I tried to start up before Christmas Break? The old RP thread only has one IC post that you need to ignore. Just let me know your thoughts. [/quote] Sounds good. I'll try and have a sheet up by the end of this weekend.