Molly slid over next to Ariella and nudged her slightly with an elbow. "Don't worry about it, all we gotta do is get to 'the hill'," She made air quotes as she spoke, her tone was jovial but sarcastic, "And then once we have the hill, we just stay on it. Might have to push some people off, but as long as we stay up there, we'll win easy." Molly was still smiling and hopping about as she spoke, shaking off her arms and cracking her knuckles in anticipation. With an slight gasp, she turned back to the others, a hand clasped over her mouth. "Do you think they'll let me bring my hammer in?" She spoke with a quicker pace than usual and her heart was racing after the short workout, excited in anticipation of the coming game, she felt an intense need to just keep moving and bouncing on the spot.