[hider=Twilight] Name: Juno Hoshi Alias: Twilight Age: 21 Personality: Juno is her mother's daughter, an arrogant soul who feels superior over most of the people in her life. However unlike her mother this superior nature is coupled with a razor wit and dangerous cunning all under a polite and amiable veneer. Where Kimiyo is upfront and no-nonsense about her feelings, Juno deflects and disarms others with her charm. She routinely deceives and manipulates when it benefits her and cares little for others when they get in her way. Her assumption of superiority is not without merit for she is a driven and dedicated individual with great intelligence and willingness to go to whatever lengths are necessary to get the job done. In a team-setting she will try to take control whether overtly or not. As a metahuman she often looks down on mundane humans and prefers the company of other superpowered individuals, save for those she truly finds exceptional like Batman. Even among Superhumans she considers herself part of a select elite, part of the established Superhero "legacy" apart from the emerging New Wave of independent heroes. This is much akin to nobility looking down on the bourgeois. If she does not consider one an equal or a better she will take advantage if it suits her goals. A violent incident in recent years has hardened Juno and made her more vulnerable all at the same time, and her distance from most of the people in her life has not helped her move on. Powers: Juno inherited the power of light projection and manipulation from her mother. With her bright white fields of light she can fly and construct light projections from her imagination as well as fire white beams of energy from her hands. Her projections rely on her mental focus and she control several simple objects or a few complex structures at one time. The more concentration she devotes to a construct increases it s durability. Her barriers block physical force as well as the full spectrum of energies. Her lasers range in power from simply stunning somebody to blasting a hole through them. Weaknesses: She can only maintain so many objects at one time before they begin to drain her concentration and falter in integrity. If she erects a barrier it will start to crumble if opposing forces over-power or over-tax her will and any construct fails entirely if she cannot concentrate. She can only fly with use of her fields and each new construct she creates slowly tires her over time like any physical activity. Her trust issues and arrogance impair her ability to coordinate with a team and she does not take being bested well. She is not immune to her own emotions and has a hunger for meaningful relationships with others outside of her family, a yearning which can be exploited. Appearance: Juno is a young attractive woman of asian descent with deep brown eyes, lush black hair, and tan brown skin. She stands at 5'8 and has a toned athletic build. She keeps her hair cut shoulder length and curled. Her costume is a color flip of her mothers, with white on black and a seven pointed star as her emblem. BRIEF Bio: Juno was born with the same powers that her mother the female Dr. Light possessed. Since she was a young child she aspired to be a superhero like her mother despite being encouraged to be a scientist instead. Juno was always top of her class and was known to use other children for whatever schoolyard desires may have manifested, she often charmed her adult teachers as well into getting what she wanted. If Juno pursued a course of action she gave it everything she had and excelled whether it was music, sports, academics, of other extracurricular activities. Growing up, she had few true friends, her siblings being her only confidants and preferring the company of other metahumans. She graduated highschool early and earned several academic accolades. She rejected the path of university despite her mother's wishes however and had started her hero career early. She was a reserve member of Young Justice for several years and sought to advance into the ranks of the Justice League when she was older. She chose not to sidekick under her mother, to Kim's chagrin, and instead went it on her own with occasional team-ups with both other budding superheroes and experienced hands. Juno acquired a good reputation in the media and a growing fanbase among the cape-watchers. She was a consummate professional in the field and learned how to manipulate the media and even her colleagues for the advancement of her career and public presence. She was a hopeful for full-fledged League membership and her future seemed bright. Until one incident in Keystone city involving her brother and an Intergang affiliate. Her brother, who had become an assistance at STAR Labs, was killed in a robbery attempt by the criminal organization. Juno had ditched Superman himself during a promising team-up when she heard the news and raced to Keystone. The incident that followed was hushed over by the League but resulted in the complete dismantling of that entire chapter of Intergang in a series of violent and effective confrontations. If it wasn't for the intervention of senior members of the League, Juno would have likely gone to even greater lengths to exact her revenge. That one moment halted her career and she was put in the reserve roster of the League. However, the incident had demonstrated Juno's prowess in the field as well as a willingness to go to lengths other heroes would not. She was seen as an ideal candidate for a different kind of hero team. Juno accepted the offer as a way to earn the good graces of her superiors and get her life back on track but she remains haunted. What they bring to the team?: Juno has studied superhero and supervillain careers and confrontations her whole life and is a self-proclaimed expert on several notable villains and organizations as well as having a good head for tactics. Her academic achievements have resulted in a respectable knowledge of science and technical pursuits, making her light constructs an effective and reliable support asset for any team for both offense and defense. Her flight allows increased mobility and reconnaissance capabilities for the team and her intelligence is not to be overlooked. She has connections to several heroes as well as STAR Labs. Notes: She has tried to engender a personal relationship with almost all of the living prominent superheroes and is a budding public personality herself. Also a lover of chocolate and novels. She regrets her codename also being the name of a series she absolutely reviles. [/hider]