Crimson sighed in relief as the bell rang and got up from her seat before walking down the stairs and out the door. "I can finally get some damn coffee." She said walking out into the hall towards the cafeteria. Going right to the café she ordered a cup of coffee and took it when it was done. Purchasing some sugar cubes with it. She walked out into the garden and sat down in the corner of it at a table putting the cubes in and mixing them till they were dissolved before drinking some of the coffee. Korra had bolted out of the classroom immediately running to the cafeteria when the bell rang. Going around the cafeteria she asked for food from people around the cafeteria until she had a full lunch. Going to a table outside by where Crimson was she started eating the scavenged food she had obtained. Korra was here at the school due to a scholarship. Her parents didn`t have the money to send her to a school like this therefore sometimes paying all that money for a school lunch that she probably wouldn`t eat some of didn`t seem like a good idea. Although her scholarship did give her enough money to purchase said food. Sera was the last one to leave the classroom a little upset that Alex had spoiled the whole lesson. Instead of going to the cafeteria like all the other students Sera went to the library with a lunch she had made and packed for today. It`d become a bit of a routine for to do so. She wasn`t much for interacting with the other students. A lot of them were just loud anyways.