Ragna was worried that she would decide to go to the manor just to spite him but then she motioned for him to lean down, he did. He closed his eyes expecting a slap or something akin to that and instead felt her arms wrapping around his shoulders and her lips meeting his with a certain ferocity behind them which he returned in full. A few moments later she broke away and Ragna let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Then she smirked at him in a way that was both alluring and devious. "That seems like a terrifying prospect and I lose either way." He smiled and pulled her into him. " But between you and me. You are infinitely more beautiful then a demon woman. Partially because you won't gut me with your nails if I get on your bad side. " He chuckled and gave her a quick kiss before standing up and looking down the desolate road that led straight to his manor where he could get another set of platemail for him. As he looked down at Lydia his eyes drifted along his body, his mind remembering what she looked like naked. Every curve perfectly outlined in his mind. It caused his loins to stir slightly before he changed the subject as to not have to explain it. "You know. I never figured for you to be the jealous type. I mean not that I don't mind. But do you honestly think she could be anything to me. I gave you an oath. She was more of a status symbol as to not appear weak to both the king and those who followed me. To be completely honest with you. Jez is a scary demon. Sometimes more scary then even the king I think." He smiled and knelt down again. " So I got to ask. Do you want to get everything out of your system before we continue. Or would you rather test fate and do it in my manor." Ragna flashed his own devious smile. It displaying both his hidden lust and warm tenderness.