CS Name: Jackie Nickname: Age: 23 Species: Female Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/174/d/b/_pictures_4ever_eu__anime_girl_171570_by_maylii-d6ab9s5.jpg[/img] Personality: Jackie is a loud girl, bright and bubbly she loves to make a ruckus. Often, she changed her looks to be more like a man, feeling that she can be treated with more respect as a male then a female. She is witty, smart and quick. She enjoys fighting, and enjoys ring outside. However, she doesn't trust easily, and often seems a little lonely. Bio: Jackie was raised to respect others, and to respect authority. While she often doesnt seem to, she does respect authority. She has been traveling since she was 18, developing her skills and earning some coin with various jobs. Abilities: An excellent fighter Family: Not known Friends: No friends as such Sentimental Attachment: A necklace that she wears under her clothes Other: One!