Lydia let out a light laugh at Ragna's words, then smiled. She herself was surprised at for once being happy about being called beautiful--usually she hated people making a fuss about her looks. She also still enjoyed the kiss Ragna gave her, despite knowing about another woman. She should probably be ashamed, she knew, but she wasn't and she didn't care. It was actually nice to hear that she meant something to Ragna, more than the demon Jezebel at least. He could by lying just to please her, but Lydia felt that he was honestly sincere. "I never thought myself to be a jealous type either," Lydia said when Ragna mentioned it. "Truthfully, I didn't know myself to be [i]any[/i] type. I've never exactly been one for romance. Always too busy protecting the world." Then her face fell for a moment and her voice sounded a little sad as she added, "Besides, knowing how my father left my mother and me... I didn't [i]want[/i] it." Lydia smiled a little again and had to admit, "I guess you just got the better of me. And a bed may be more comfortable, but I think I would prefer out here. With that Jezebel around I'd prefer to have my weapons on me at all times. Can't exactly do that when your clothes are on the floor." Lydia leaned in and gave Ragna another kiss, this time on the cheek. "Besides, I'd rather not give her a reason to gut you. I like you too much for that."