[img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/027/0/1/inori_yuzuriha_by_runukia-d4nrqrg.png[/img] Normal Name: Emila Weapon Name: Saki Age (Looks to Be): 17 Gender: Female Skills: Medium Hand to Hand Combat, Dancing, Singing, Playing Instruments Personality: Emi is innocent and sweet. She tends to be very shy. But at times she has bursts of anger if you anger her greatly. She is also one to keep emotions to herself other than happiness but her emotions will burst when she holds in emotions too long. Despite this she is protective of those she cares for and will put herself in harms way because she never thinks of herself, instead thinking of the safety of others first no matter what. Outfit (Optional): Emi likes cute, modest clothing typically in red,orangy-red, black, white, or gray. Theme Song (Optional): Kids Aren't Alright - Fallout Boy(for now) God Name (Fill in once God is given): Other: When Yato wields a weapon he is BA!