What the hell should we call you? Hm, such an eagerness to learn the identity of strangers, you may call me Alhazred, of Yemen. What....are you even? Interesting how you pose such a question. The form you see before you is but a mere human, but we are all simply a part of something greater than these mere forms of flesh and bone... whether we wish to have anything to do with these higher vistas of consciousness and understanding, are rarely a choice we are allowed to make for ourselves. And where the heck are you from? I am a native of Yemen, but am a son of the Empty Space, and a scholar of Damascus. How friggin' old are you anyway? I am in my thirty-seventh year of life. You a lady or a dude or what..? If only you knew how humorous such a question is to me. Regardless, I am a man. So like...what are you like? Doubtless of what I might think of myself, you and all others will have your own ideas of what and how I am. I am the unwilling servant, the exiled poet, the paranoid necromancer, a ghoulish beast of a man willing to stoop to the greatest of human taboos to survive. I have loved women and djinn alike, forging bargains and partnerships with creatures from the void between the stars, and just as easily breaking them for my own benefit. Thieves, mercenaries, jews, princes, and kings have been friend and foe to me alike, all falling to their own hubris and the machinations of that which has marked me as its servant. And what do you like? When I was younger, I found myself enthralled by poetry, mathematics, and the thighs of an eager woman. But, as I leave my prime, have paid rather horrible prices for my youthful arrogance, and have experienced more than I ever dreamed I thought possible within the Empty Space, my interests have turned to more... scholarly pursuits. Language has always been a passion of mine, and ever since I was a boy I've had an affinity for it, even those which I do not know. [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/304/7/3/abdul_from_sanaa_by_noldofinve-d6s1mdm.jpg[/img]