[s]Just going to slide this in real sneaky like....[/s] [Hider=Alan] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/34f0eqg.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Alan "Kite" Ryner [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Guild Band:[/b] Red Hawks [b]Archetype:[/b] Aloof Adventurer [b][indent]Background/Bio:[/indent][/b] Growing up in the multi-religious city of New Eden, Alan was exposed to a multitude of religions as a child, from the widespread Aerism (Pseudo Catholicism), to less common religions such as Chrastolism (Pseudo Protestantist Christianity) and Zehism (Pseudo Buddhism/Shinto/Zen-ism). His father was a Zehist Minister, and his mother's family were an affluent merchant company. As a result, Alan grew up in relative prosperity, with a good education and no lack of funding. During this time however, New Eden was experiencing large amounts of turmoil. Aerism was on the rise, and its followers in New Eden were getting increasingly miilitant towards the smaller religions. The New Eden Riots, declared bogus by the Church of Aer, and downplayed as a massive uncontrolled city fire, resulted in the destruction of most of the minor religions housed in the city. A combination of Aer fanatical 'crusaders' and Inquisitors stormed and sacked countless places of worship, including the Zehist house in which Alan's father worked at. Admist the chaos, the young Alan was separated from his parents while attempting to flee from the city. He was found himself cornered in an alleyway by a group of fanatics who had recognized him as a minster's son, and therefore a pagan. As he was attacked, his father intervened and stopped the fanatics with the help of a summoned spirit. In the ensuing fight, Alan's father suffered a grievous wound. With his life force fading fast, Alan's father quickly made a pact with his spirit, bargaining with his remaining life force, that the spirit would protect and guard Alan until he came of age (15). Fleeing from New Eden under the protection of his late father's summoned spirit, Alan escaped to the nearby city of Melanhart. Through some sort of miracle, Alan was reunited with his mother and the remains of his extended family in Melanhart. The Ryner family made themselves a new life in the city of Melanhart, starting with nothing and building up slowly. At the age of 15, his father's summoned spirit was freed from its service and renewed its service with him through a formal pact. By age 18, after many years with his summoned spirit, Alan Ryner had developed into a summoner of some note. Bolstered with his educated background and hardy physique, Alan proved to be a capable adventurer, with the ability to handle physical labor as well as provide mental tact. He joined a courier service, traveling all over the Western City States delivering messages and important/time sensitive, delicate materials. It made good money and it allowed him to explore the worlds, as well as introduce him to a multitude of people. Of course, the life of a courier was quite solitary, and he found himself with few close friends outside his own summoned spirits and fellow couriers. After a few years in the courier service, Alan found himself in Meduzart, where he came across the founding branch of the Adventurer's Guild. Hiring a few guildsmen to aid him on a rather risky delivery, Alan found himself enjoying the company and reliability of the guildsmen he had hired. Eventually his run with the courier service ground to a halt as the head of the courier service was caught stealing funds and selling secret information and was thus disbanded. Without a job, Alan eventually found himself back in Meduzart, where the same guildsmen he hired eventually helped him find his way into the guild. Joining up with one of Meduzart's premier bands, The Red Hawks, Alan was given the nickname "Kite", based on one of the many Birds of Prey. (The Serpentines are based in the city of Melanhart, and are considered the Red Hawks' rivals, and the Drunken Bards are a really well known band within Meduzart, as are the Errant Knights) [b][indent]Skills and Abilities:[/indent][/b] [b]Well rounded[/b] - While not particularly amazing at any unique skill, Alan is fairly average in most aspects. He is well rounded and picks up on skills with moderate ease. [b]Twin Firearm Fighting[/b] - Alan's combat style mainly revolves around the use of his pistols in combat. While able to wield both at once, he usually only uses one at a time. [b]Dexterous[/b] - While well rounded, Alan leans on the side of speed and dexterity over physical fortitude and size. He is relatively quick and nimble. [b]Competent Flying[/b] - As a part of the Red Hawks, being able to fly is mandatory, Alan is a talented pilot, and is able to fly smallships with little difficulty. He has yet to pilot a full sized Airship. [b][indent]Gear:[/indent][/b] Alan carries a pair of revolvers, a silver-plated snub nosed revolver (silver colored metal, not actually silver) in a compact rear holster for a quick draw with his left hand. His second revolver is a gold-plated (again gold colored metal) long barreled revolver in a crossdraw holster under his left arm, for a quick draw with his right hand. Each revolver is decal-ed with religious insignias of the opposite metal on it (Gold revolver has silver insignias, silver revolver has gold insignias). His signature red jacket is made of tough leather and fabric, and was woven with enchantments to resist damage. The jacket was further enchanted by his spirit to resist fire.[/hider] Spirits: [Hider=Seru] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/14ahjib.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Seru [b]Age:[/b] 800 [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] A Spirit of fire, Seru herself commands considerable control over the element of fire, and her red blade burns whatever it comes into contact with. Seru is also able of shifting into the form of a large, white wolf, its fur perpetually warm and burning. To her summoner, Seru grants the ability to manipulate fire. [b]Pact:[/b] Originally bound to Alan through a pact with his father, Seru underwent a new Pact with Alan when he became of age. The terms of the pact is that Seru continue serving Alan in return for his offering of the sword that Seru now possess. The sword itself was an Ancient Zehist Artifact from New Eden that Alan 'liberated' when he returned to the city for a short while. [/hider]