Jerrick simply smiled at Meesei's suggestion that it was Hircine that had informed him of her arrival. The request for more privacy was acted upon promptly. "Of course. Anders, how's the weather outside?" Jerrick turned to their escort. "A blizzard has picked up, sir." The dark haired Nord responded. "Do you have enough people in Bruma to deal with any more issues?" The Nord nodded, "Yes sir. Barring another escort like this required, of course." "You and your pack had better stay the night then, Anders. You can head back down for the rest of your time in town once the weather improves." Jerrick's tone didn't exactly sound like an order, but Anders' attentiveness appeared to indicate that Jerrick carried an appropriate amount of respect. "You may go," Jerrick said finally. Anders nodded firmly and turned to leave. "Come along everyone, let's get our bones warmed up," he said, gesturing to the rest of his accompanying pack to follow him out. Everyone stood silent until the clearly man-made door closed the chamber at the staircase. The only sound was from Rhazii babbling at nothing in particular. Jerrick began again, holding a serious expression but not having shifted at all. "Right, now we may talk. There are some spare chairs over there," Jerrick gestured to a row of wooden seats that had been put to the side, "There's not much room around the table, but it's best that we talk comfortably, and as equals. Everyone collect one, if you will." He turned to his lieutenants, "Let's make a bit more space." It took half a minute to get everyone roughly ordered around the table. As Ahnasha was carrying Rhazii, Fendros brought up two chairs. Oswall saw fit to talk while he shifted his own seat, "You never spoke to us of any new communion with Hircine. What did he say?" "I was going to bring it up soon, but I wanted to know if the champion would come. I will address it soon." Jerrick replied calmly. They all had to admit that sitting down after such a trek up the mountain was a relief. Now everyone sat a short distance from the central table, but the closeness made the meeting seem more like a friendly communion. Jerrick was clearly trying more to be respectful than dominant. It spoke of experience in dealing with other lycan leaders. Janius wasn't fooled by it, he knew they were outnumbered here and there was little chance of fighting their way out. Jerrick didn't appear to want things to break out into a fight anyway. "Now," Jerrick announced, looking to Meesei with a friendly smile, "What Hircine informed me was not completely clear in the context. You would know as much as I do that he speaks only of what we need to know. Before I say what he said to me, I need you to tell me what he said to bring you and your pack here, Meesei." "You heard Anders. It was a threat! She's here to fight something alongside us!" Oswall blurted out of turn, "Likely some more of Vile's cowards." "We can deal with any more of those runts," Harriet said with less volume, but the same confidence while she put away the sword in her hand, "They hardly put up a fight last time." Jerrick looked at Oswall and Harriet sideways with a frown, but still responded with patience. "Calm yourselves, you two. I would hear it from Meesei's own mouth." Jerrick's words were all that was required to silence them. He looked back to Meesei and leaned forward in his chair expectantly.