The smoke hadn't even cleared before the Saiyan pod was surrounded by nearly a dozen Disciple warriors. The garrison commander had felt the approaching energy signature and immediately dispatched as many scouts as he could afford. He couldn't risk leaving the temple undermanned. The first team to arrive at the crash site had fanned out, hidden themselves among the rocks and the brush, lowering their energy levels to near non-existence. Whoever was in that pod wouldn't sense them. Each warrior tensed for action as the door to the pod burst open, loudly releasing clouds of condensed oxygen. They all watched as a boy stumbled out of the pod, coughing in the smoke and dust left behind by his vessel's intimate and sudden meeting with the ground. He had strikingly red hair and wore a dirt-caked white cloak over, strangely enough, a Capsule Corps jacket. A scouter rested on his ear, the lens around his eye scuffed and scratched. His appearance, his vessel, the scouter all pointed towards the boy being a Saiyan. The fact that he'd apparently come from off-world meant that he likely wasn't a member of the True Sons, but that meant little to the warriors currently working their way into a circle around him. If he came from off-world, he wasn't a Disciple either. He was a trespasser. The boy had had the terrible luck of landing just a few hundred yards from the Dragon Temple, rigorously protected by almost one hundred of the Disciple's best warriors, each one tasked with ensuring that no threat to the treasure within went unchecked. He looked up towards the temple, apparently unaware that he was being watched, and slowly, he began to ascend into the air. Before he made it half the distance to the temple, one of the scouts vanished and shimmered into existence before the space-faring youth. Moments later, the rest followed suit. Soon the boy found himself surrounded on all sides by Saiyain warriors dressed in white cloaks and scouters. "You've landed your ship on hallowed ground," said the lead scout. "How unfortunate."