Something told Rhys that this little man could rant angrily. And then again, something told him he was definitely right. "Eden-6 is a planet," he crosses his arms once again, "I'm from Helios, y'know, the base in the sky? Ahh . . nevermind, you've probably heard of it before," or not. He was beginning to think that nobody here had ever heard of Hyperion, Pandora, Vaults or Vault Keys. That might be awful or wonderful: a clean state or a new way to screw-up? He supposed there was only one way to find out. "I'm Rhys," he held his hand out cautiously for a professional and rather "business-like" handshake. However, before this was possible, there was another voice: "BOOM!" it shouted as a fireball hit the wall at the other end of the hallway. There was a nervous twitch in Rhys' eye as the fireball flew by, but even moreso when the wall reconstructed by itself. He felt every urge to duck, cover and hopefully wait for the entire situation to blow over. He retracted his hand, "On second thought, let's uhm," he looked at the other end of the hallway where the wall had reconstructed by an invisible force, "go far, far, far away from....[b]that[/b]."