[b]Jericus "Ing" Ignace Client World 576143290-B[/b] Once the guardsman got to the drill he lowered his lasgun "what ever happen it looks like we missed it." Ignace knelt next to one of the pools of blue blood and investigated it. "Xenos," he said to himself wiping the blood off on his pants before standing up. Walking up to the pit he looked down at it he felt the power down inside. He backed away from the mouth of the pit when he heard what Suwako said. "I agree, but we should destroy the drill first. So who has a demo charge?" Ignace said walking up to Suwako. [b]Argon Charr Shadow Eternity Headquarters, Common room[/b] "He is off bloody sides use you karking eye's!" the annoyed Mandalorian enforcer Agron Charr shouted causing some of the random grunts in the room to flinch. For the past hour the mandalorian was watching the Bolo-ball game and was getting into a pretty bad mood due to his team not doing well. Agron sat back in his chair grumbling as the game was called with his team losing in overtime. After watching some of the post-game highlights he shut off the holo-projector he got up and left the room to find something to do.