The twitch in Rhys' eye didn't go unnoticed. "I've not the slightest idea what a heelioso is, [i]Mr. Reeez,[/i] but I am curious as to what's in the next room." The Joxter saw the anxiety in his new companion's eyes, and sniggered. It wasn't even close to him. What a namby-pamby. So, he walked along the taller at his leisure, wanting to make the walk out of the room of many "booms" as painfully long as possible...only to give him some time to admire the paintings on the wall, truly, not to screw with Rhys or anything. Why on earth would he want to do that to such a nice guy? There was a still-life of the Alps, an imagined(?) scene from the Gallic Wars, a impressionist's portrayal of a Tibetan Mastiff, a boy in a blue hat, Snufkin smoking his pipe on a walk through the woods--he averted his eyes. Better to just get out. He didn't want to know. Instead, he stopped get out a knife & slice an apple into eights, and comment on how skilled the artists who painted these were. Not to prolong the walk or screw with Rhys or anything. --- As he walked through the doors, his senses told him there was a problem afoot. He stopped slicing the apple. He turned his head left and there was a door plastered with signs. [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/b] [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/b] [b]DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR.[/B] [i]A door that made him very angry.[/i]