"As for me I'm...it's easier to just show you", Without having to say a word or even think on it Shane changed within mere seconds into the Riftman. The black robe hiding the true appearance underneath. What's more he could speak in this form, it was a low and sinister voice which seemed to echo but was not loud like Mammoth's. The Riftman's tone always sounded as if it was talking down to you even when Shane did not actually intend for it to be so. The only time it was different was when it would scream. A terrible, bloodcurdling scream which could chill the blood in one's body and freeze a normal human in fear. "In this form I can move objects with my mind, I can become invisible as well. My combat skills while in this form are not as effective but if I get a hold of one of them, they are finished" Shane looked over the members of the other group. "The only person I know over there is Shadow. The redhead, she controls shadows and can sense me when in this form if I'm invisible. So I can't use stealth on her but-", he stopped himself. Better they don't know about his mind link ability. "But I don't think that will matter, if there are objects nearby I can keep the enemy team at bay with telekinesis" He didn't show it but Shane was going to enjoy this. The look on the face of whoever he linked with would be priceless, the effect it'd have on them later. Even better. But what's this? Ariella seemed hesitant to show her abilities. He turned his gaze towards her, white eyes glowing through the shadow of the hood and spoke, "Don't be afraid, your powers are something to be proud of not kept hidden away...unless it's part of your plan to get an edge over all of us then by all means" he meant for that to come of jokingly but was not sure if it would be received as such what with this new voice of his.  Another surprise, a member switch. This should be interesting. It'd be fun to see if he holds back, however he wouldn't do the same for James as he barely knew him. "This should be interesting, welcome to the team. We were just explaining our powers. Yours?"